Doesn’t everyone want to work for a company that supports and encourages you to live healthy, including your mind, body, spirit? 
Yes! Yes! Yes!
During my time at Ashland University I was a member of the employee wellness committee and I spearheaded the worksite wellness events on campus. There were many events but the most recent initiative were the Indoor Walking Paths!
If you are unfamiliar with Ashland University, it is a private school in North Central Ohio. Key word: Ohio. Meaning, the winter months are not lovely for outdoor walking. However the University has a newer Recreation Center on campus which is a great option for people. 
However have you ever had a day where you are so busy you can’t catch a break? 
(yes, of course you have… no lying)
You have an hour for lunch. Do you have time to walk across campus to get in a quick workout? Maybe… or maybe not. 
But what if there was a designated walking path in your building where you could walk for 45 minutes and get in a few miles of walking plus a quick lunch at your desk? 
That was the purpose of these Indoor Walking Paths.
Along with a team of interns and the help of a marketing specialist for signage, we were able to mark mileage and display signage for walking paths in most buildings on campus- including the main campus and the Mansfield, off-site, campus.  
The goal is to provide many options for individuals to engage in their personal health because we all know that happier employees work harder, take less sick days, and are more productive. 
I’m so glad this is a resource for people on campus. Hopefully in time, the walking paths can be added to, revised or modified to accommodate usage, and bring more people together.