Always remember: YOU.
Because you are you. And you
are valued, important, and different than anyone else. And we know that, right? Right?
I mean, I know that but really, sometimes I forget to prioritize me. Like last week when I shared on instagram that I decided to get my haircut and colored, and I couldn’t remember the last time I got my haircut- let alone- colored or highlighted. C’mon Laura. Get it together
It doesn’t matter your age or where you live. Or even how many times I go to the beach or pool or where ever. It doesn’t
matter if you look like an Olympic athlete… (because the beauty there is that all athletes, too, are shaped differently… and that is so freaking awesome). 
In an article titled, “Sarah Robles and Michelle Carter Redefine ‘Normal’ and Hope Young Girls Everywhere Are Listening”, a UCLA professor commented:
“These Olympians are using the podium to promote a positive message,” says Abigail Saguy, professor of sociology at UCLA and author of the book “What’s Wrong With Fat?” “They are making an important point that health comes at all sizes, and we should be embracing diversity of body sizes rather than assume there’s one good body type.”
What I like about this statement is that we focus on HEALTH, not on the outward appearance of our SHAPE or what we LOOK like. Focus – health.
It DOES matter if you are
using your body the way it was meant to be used. Freedom for movement and joy.
It doesn’t matter if you look
like me or your neighbor or your friend. Or people in those fitness magazines,
or whoever.
It DOES matter if you are caring
for your body for longevity and strength.
It doesn’t matter what size
you fit into or what you wear.

It DOES matter that you are
showing your kids what it looks like to give your body healthy foods, prevent
future health diseases through nutrition and exercise, and having confidence in
themselves. It’s practice what you preach.
So value YOU. Show your daughter(s), and other women how you value yourself. 
Because you’re worth it.