These fancy machines caught my eye a few weeks ago and I thought it would be fun to try out a rowing class sometime for a work out. But I quickly found out that classes get booked quickly so you need to sign up plenty in advance. 
But one day I stopped by a class, which I knew was anticipated to be full from the online sign up form, and found out that one person didn’t show so I could attend! What was great was that there was a mix of people in the class too! Some were regulars, some were newbies… There were males, females, different body shapes and all different ages. 
The instructor quickly guided me to proper form and positioning for efficiency and to prevent injury. I quickly learned what she meant when my lower back started to hurt and she reminded me of what to do. 
It was a 40-45 minute class or so, and it was an appropriate length for me. I was probably more jacked to be trying something new, which energizes me alone. 
So if you have never tried rowing, or “row”, and you have a facility nearby offering classes, you should try it out. You never know if you will like a new work out until you try. Plus, it keeps your body guessing and gets you out of a typical routine your body may be used to.