Happy Wednesday. I’m posting today, later in the day than usual but I’m determined to stay on a schedule here.

While you may have some guesses as to what today’s thankfulness may be, I betcha you don’t know. 😉

P.S.- I’m thankful you stop by to #BeWellWellness. (thanks friend!)

November Thankfulness #7

My ‘celebrity’ inspirations.

I’m taking a different approach today. Ha! This would normally be an atypical post topic for me, but I thought I would venture onto topics that are off my beaten path. So I have two celebrity inspirational people who have inspired me deeply. They have been instrumental  in my thinking and learning for a while, not just a one hit wonder. Their research, their theories, their stories and rationales and it just clicks with me. So I thought I would share them with you.

Brene Brown

This amazing researcher and social work professor in Houston is brilliant. I’ve read all her books and watched all her videos (including widely viewed TED talks). Her passion is researching vulnerability, bravery, shame, and courage. There’s an empowerment to connectivity, being honest and true to yourself, and doing the hard stuff. My thought processes align with her research, but with a health lens. This is because in order to make behavior change, you need to be vulnerable, brave and willing to do the hard and uncomfortable stuff. Here’s her website if you are not familiar with Brene.


Dave Ramsey and his financial advisor team

Dave’s blunt and basic steps of money management just clicks with me. Years ago I became aware of Dave and his financial team and learned his baby step methodology, and I was intrigued. I found it was a great way to establish a plan and feel most confident in areas where I wasn’t so confident. Plus I find his direct responses and answers hilarious. Here, too, I’ve read all his books- and most of his team’s book- but he also has a large YouTube channel. He probably still had a live radio show but I’m rarely in my car with the radio on anymore, so I’m not sure. Here’s his website in case you’re curious.


Why did I choose this as a topic? Well, these are two individuals that are intelligent in their respective fields and their teaching has helped shape be thoughts, compassion, perceptions, etc., along with effective ways to financially plan for the future. I’m so thankful for these two celebrity inspirations.

Question: Do you have a celebrity inspiration? Tell me, who?