Oh Monday, you were crazy busy and fun yesterday! Like nonstop.  Between office work, teaching, more teaching, office work, and more teaching, I was able to start the first half of my day with a BANG! Then after speaking with more students, picking up my kids and their friends, going home to make dinner for a friend, we relaxed at home as the Dallas Cowboys played their game.
Monday’s are easy, it’s Tuesdays that always need the momentum.
But do you want to hear about my thankfulness for today? Oh c’mon, of course you do!

November Thankfulness #6
Following my career and work passions.
My passions have always been about health and wellness, teaching and public speaking. I started as a communication major in college, then quickly changed. I switched to education, then refined to health education with a focus on wellness. It has been my passion for a loooong time. Frankly it has even looked different along the years, which is fine. But I’m so thankful that I have found ways to make my passion happen despite challenges that will always present themselves- money, obvious opportunities, lack of support/resources,etc.
I believe in the value of health and wellness, and I believe it shows in who I am and what I do.
  • When I teach, I get into my element. I get excited.
  • When I work with others about how to change behavior to meet their goals and feel better, it motivates me.
  • When I participate in public speaking, my butterflies get my excited for what’s to come. I don’t get nervous anymore.
 I’m so thankful for following my career and work passions. I couldn’t easily given up. And to be honest, my career and work passions continue to unfold. And I will continue to pursue them. As for the picture above? That’s me teaching last semester on a normal day. Real life. Happy.
Have a great Tuesday. And also, GO VOTE!