According to the CDC, adults should all be getting 150 minutes of moderate activity per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. Now the difference between moderate and vigorous- that can be up to interpretation pending on the individual.

But nonetheless, the issue is BEING ACTIVE. I find staying active in the winter months more difficult because I don’t prefer to be in the cold weather to workout. I would rather be warm. Shock! So I find it’s necessary to be planful, strategic and sometimes- creative. 
Here are FOUR factors which will help you stay active during the chilly months and keep your fitness goal on track. They help me, so hopefully they will help you too!
Personally I enjoy working out at home. I use a variety of pieces of equipment varying in price from very inexpensive to more pricey items such as weights, kettle bells, indoor cycling bike, etc. I also find that my iPad is used every time I workout. I will share more about its advantages on another post. 
Planning time to workout is key. If I don’t plan it into my day, it simply doesn’t get done. Can I get an Amen? Ideally it’s best to workout in the morning- it’s great for the body in the AM and it’s done to then start the day. However if you can get it done at another time, that’s okay too. The bottom line- just get ‘er done. 
I workout in the morning. I must wake up EXTRA early to do so. It’s the only way I get it done. Otherwise my day gets ahead of me and next thing you know it’s dinner time and I have no energy after dinner to workout. 
This is one of the most useful and key aspects to success. Accountability partners can keep you on task, present and productive. This could be meeting someone at the gym or planning a workout outside with someone. Or, it could be where social media is used and communities are used to meet and interact with other like-minded people. is a popular site. Or, joining a live, online fitness class with other people. *More about this in another future post. 
Even when you don’t want to… Make yourself use do a little. Typically the hardest part is just “getting to the gym”, or “getting out of bed”, or whatever. Because once we are there or show up, we do it (or some of it)… Which is better than nothing. 
However let’s get down to it… Time is limited. So if you are going to devote time and commitment to something, then we need to give it 110%. Leaving nothing at the door, no regrets. Push through it and work. Work it. Be consistent. 
Regardless, there are ebbs and flows in life where sometimes we are ON OUR GAME. Other times, HOW DID WE GET OFF TRACK?? And that’s ok. Personal stuff, finances, physical ailments, etc, can redirect our path- even if it’s temporary. Having babies, kids, career changes, moving, injuries, etc. 
Reflect, refocus, and recharge. Identify where to devote your energy. Research, read, and listen to the right people (this is key). Then- just do it. Try.